
Launch Date Set For October 1st, 2016

GoVest is going live on October 1st, 2016. Let our professional money managers design the mix of asset classes to help you meet your goals. You select the mutual funds from the thousands that we offer and together we will work to achieve your goals - not just invest! At just 0.05% of assets (5 bps) per year, we are delivering unlimited trading, no trade minimums, no account minimums, and no transaction fees. We will be ready to help you achieve your goals!

  • By Admin
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  • July 28, 2016
  • 8,290

Partner Companies




Mutual Funds


Advisory Models

Coming Soon

GoVest has launched its "coming soon" website and is gathering a list of people who want to save and invest in a goal oriented manner with the help of professional money managers. For each person that gives an email address, GoVest is giving 3 months of completely free investing once it officially launches. Its fees will be reduced from 0.05% of assets under management to 0% - free for 3 months.

  • By Admin
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  • June 25, 2016
  • 14,434

Partners Secured

GoVest has secured the many partner relationships required to make its offering truly advisory based at truly the lowest cost in the industry. Investors will enjoy professional advisory services delivered at 0.05% of assets under management, making it the least expensive service in America. Finally, an offering truly designed to service everyone, not just the affluent or emerging affluent. Everyone can soon have the benefit of professionals helping them reach their goals regardless of how much money they have to invest!

  • By Admin
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  • June 23, 2016
  • 23,819

Operations Underway

GoVest officially launches operations and begins development of its platform in earnest. Targets the 4th quarter for an official platform launch. Integration with a proven investment platform has begun and teams have been formed to lead the industry with the most cost effective solution on the market for investors of all experience levels.

  • By Admin
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  • June 05, 2016
  • 17,118

GoVest Germinates

Small groups have been formed to preview investing in a goal oriented manner with the benefit of professional advisors at the ready to help group members create allocations of mutual funds designed to meet their specific risk tolerances and reward parameters. The groups report an overwhelming positive experience. "Finally, somewhere that I can get help investing without it being a blackbox where I have no idea why they are doing the things they do!", said one group member. "And it's priced so that I can actually use it without losing all my money in fees...", says another.

  • By Admin
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  • March 12, 2016
  • 15,910